Green Business Bureau, provides Green Certifications to businesses and validates their sustainability initiatives. 
They approached me with a task to produce a series of videos that help guide new and prospective members through their member profile and how to navigate the various benefits offered through their program.
 The goal was to create six videos, each covering one of the five "Getting Started Steps", and one video to include them all. I started by studying their membership process and goals and constructed a script that concisely outlined the steps while promoting GBB's brand reputation. 
The videos were constructed almost entirely in Adobe After Effects using HD screenshots of the webpages. From there, I animated all of the scrolling, clicking, and typing with custom graphics created in Adobe Illustrator. Since I wasn't screen recording my navigation through the site, I had to fill the static space with motion graphics that mimicked their websites UI.
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5
Comprehensive Video
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